New publication: helping guide weed management in a rapidly changing climate

August 25th, 2014

AdaptNRM : Climate change tools and resources for NRMs

AdaptNRM is a collaboration between CSIRO and NCCARF to take key adaptation approaches and information sources that are national in scope and make them accessible and relevant for regional planning. Some of the challenges of adapting to climate change and some of the information needed to support adaptation cut across Australia’s regional boundaries. Regardless of which land uses, biomes, industries, and communities regional planners work with, there is a universal need for a planning approach that takes into account a variable and dynamic future. Many of the drivers of changes in weeds and biodiversity are national in scope but still highly relevant for regional planning. And the need to share insights and experiences across Australia and learn from each other has never been greater.

Our team has been involved in developing a module for AdaptNRM that delivers a summary of current knowledge about potential changes in weeds and weed management under climate change, with a framework for developing adaptation-ready weed management plans.

Read more about the report and download it here.

Scott, JK, Webber, BL, Murphy, H, Ota, N, Kriticos, DJ & Loechel, B. (2014) AdaptNRM Weeds and climate change: supporting weed management adaptation. Available at: